
sql_LV.llb is a high-performance library for interfacing your LabView
application with your ODBC-based database.
NOTE: New "HowTO" Documentation available.
now (GPL licensed)
Note: New and improved, I've added BLOB handling for
insertion and selection (not "update" yet). Data typing now handled automatically with clusters.
Works with MS Access and SQL Server DBs!
Doubly improved!! Open and Close your own connections or use dynamic connection management.
- Complete SQL functionality but no
SQL programming knowledge required.
- Connection to most popular databases through ODBC
- MySQL access through direct API
- High-level, easy-to-use
functions for common database
- Direct interaction with local or remote databases
- All I/O through simple LabView string arrays
- INSERT (REPLACE) and SELECT through clusters with element names as
FIELD names with automatic type setting. Handle:
- Boolean
- Int
- Double
- String
- Programmer may keep DB connections remained closed until processing data --
License issues minimized
- Because
of slow authentication with MS SQL Server, you may now open a DB as a
LV reference and keep the connection open until calling the close VI.
All the VIs are now polymorphic and accept either the original DB
cluster or an opened reference.
- Maintaining an open connection allows the programmer to use
"TEMPORARY" TABLEs (good only for the life of a connection) from one
SQL query to another.
- Not multi-threaded, but getting closer with connection and
statement handles being allocated to unique memory locations -- contact
me (through the VI documentation) if you have a compelling need.